|  | | Branch Library For information, to take out a book or to arrange a visit, contact Valerie Hope, valerieannhpdx@aol.com 503-775-0778 The Book Catalog is now on the website itself in the Library section, where you can search for a title - and maybe happen upon something you didn’t know you were interested in. To schedule the space for an event or meeting contact James Knight, j365k@yahoo.com To contact the Portland Branch Council: portlandanthroposophy@gmail.com Website portlandbranch.net | | December Newsletter 2022 | Save the Dates (more details below in the Articles, Calendar and Fliers) Christian Community Events with Sanford Miller, December 1-4 Branch Advent Celebration- The Heart of Advent with Sanford Miller, Saturday December 3 Shepherds’ Play Friday, December 23 (stay tuned for the possibility of 2 performances) Holy Nights Dec 26, Jan 1, Jan 6
| In This Issue: Branch Advent Celebration: The Core of Advent with Sanford Miller The Shepherds’ Play An Opportunity to Acquire Free Mystery Drama Costumes - Before December 17 An interview with David Axelrod re. his work with Dr. Steiner’s Mystery Plays Reflections on Glen Williams’ Presentation and an Invitation Winter Solstice: A Reflection on the Traditions of Christmas Clarification on the source of the Angel Prayer shared by Astrid Schmitt-Stegmann The Peoples' Declaration for Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Healthcare (TCIH) - sign the petition More from Eliant, Meeting Global Threats to Our LIvelihoods, and a petition Wireless radiation is neither safe nor healthy which you can sign. Link to Dr. Michaela Glockler’s paper: Where are We Now in the Corona-Pandemic? What can Help Us to Live Constructively With the Consequences? Calendars Fliers Advertisers/Donors Embryo Workshops by Dr. Jaap Van Der Waal, dvds available
| | |  | Advent Celebration with Sanford MillerThe Heart of Advent Saturday, December 3, 2 pm Portland Branch Library 5415 SE Powell Blvd, 2nd Floor Entrance off Parking Lot in Back | Together we will cultivate the Advent mood with a presentation by Sanford Miller about the core of Advent - what it is meant to be as contrasted with what it has become in our culture today - followed by conversation, singing (with piano), and tea once again served from the Rice’s silver tea set. Sanford joins us from the Sacramento Christian Community. | |  | The Shepherd’s PlayFriday, December 23, 5 pm, Bothmer Hall, 5915 SE Division St. Donations gladly accepted. | The story, as it was told to me and as I remember it, of how this wonderful impulse to bring the Shepherds’ Play back to our community arose: On one occasion, perhaps two years ago, Wes Burch was asked why he was looking a bit glum. His response: “I miss the Shepherd’s play.” (It had for years been a tradition that the Waldorf teachers and staff would put on the play as a gift to the children.) Cheri Munske then exclaimed, “Let’s do it!” And so a dedicated group has come together, and have been rehearsing in the Branch Library space. Note that the actual performance (or possibly two!) will be held at Bothmer Hall. My understanding is that they could still use someone to play Old Crispin, who has a few lines at the very end. vh | |  | An Interview with David Axelrod: His Involvement with the Mystery Plays | In August Director David Axelrod and his troupe of actors generously brought their production of excerpts from Rudolf Steiner's mystery play, 'The Portal of Initiation' to Portland. The excellence of their artistry, and the amount of work that they put into it, made us want to know more about what lay behind these efforts on a soul level - just as the plays themselves, as David says below, focus on soul activity. That is what makes them mystery plays. Below is David's kind response to our queries. Valerie’s questions: What inspired you to work with the mystery dramas? How long have you been doing it? What has your experience been? What might you see for the future? Please add anything else you feel is relevant. David’s responses: Deciding to work on the Mystery Dramas was born out of seeing how educational, and how clarifying the dramas can be for those seeking to grasp things central to them, the path of initiation, the reality of the spiritual world, and anthroposophy. I saw that if experienced fully by an audience member, the Dramas would ‘live them through’ a life of someone (as well as those around them) on the path of initiation (personal development), and thus all that Steiner has spoken about in the many of his lectures regarding this path. Steiner himself said that if more people could see the plays, he wouldn’t have had to lecture as much, thus it was this potential I clearly saw in the play and that compelled me to direct the productions. This past Summer’s performance marked three years since I began working with and directing Mystery Drama productions. The first production (also a series of excerpts from The Portal of Initiation) was performed in Seattle in 2019, the second, the one seen by the audience in Portland this past summer, had its opening night on June 11 th of 2022 at The School for Anthroposophy in Port Hadlock, Washington. In all this work, may I especially note, the actors have devoted tremendous amounts of work and time to the dramas. So much of what has occurred with each production over these few years is due to them. The experience of working with the Mystery Dramas does for the actors and the crew what it can do for the audience. As lines are worked with repeatedly, and as the feeling is brought out through the staging, and as the whole spirit of the play is attempted to be ‘shone’ on to the stage, the path of initiation becomes, for those involved in the play’s production something felt in the blood and living right down into our hearts. The play comes alive when all those involved feel as instruments of the music that the play is. There also comes, with putting on the play, a huge responsibility. In most dramas what is portrayed on stage is the outer life of the characters in it, and thus the outer life for us all (audience too). In the Mystery Dramas what is portrayed is the exact opposite, it is the inner life of all of ours. The drama of the Mystery Dramas occurs there. What happens in the outer lives of the people on stage is a result of what is going on inwardly (it is the reverse in most mainstream drama). Dramatizing this, for all involved, requires the utmost artistic technique born out of soul awareness, and a love of the truth. Working with the Mystery Dramas is, and should be, the soil for a whole life- oriented relationship to anthroposophy. It is my aim to work more with The Portal of Initiation (presuming a large enough cast can be found), and also begin work on the further three dramas. Within all this I have a special hope and aim to help younger people (16 or 17 on up) find something in the Mystery Dramas. The Mystery Dramas seem especially suited for helping young people, who often like drama performance, and have a passion for life itself, find their way to anthroposophy. They don’t have to ‘sit through a lecture’ on anthroposophy they can do it, and live it through the plays. One of my main hopes with the shows this past summer (and with the one upcoming on 12/22 at The School for Anthroposophy in Port Hadlock, WA) is that the audience – even if they have no background with anthroposophy – can see in the play reality, and life especially in all that is said by Johannes Thomasius. And that such an experience is a spiritual experience for them, not just the actors; that their eyes are opened to the inner reality of life. It is also useful, I believe, to remember that the physical center of the anthroposophic movement, the Goetheanum, named consciously after someone who was, as it were, a sort of center of it, was almost named “Johannes-Bau” after Johannes Thomasius, the central student on the path of initiation in the Mystery Dramas. Who he is and all that he is going through, is not just something in the play, it is something in all of anthroposophy. To contact David Axelrod call 360-379-4859 (landline), or write to d.axelrod@hotmail.com | |  | Reflections on Glen Williams’ Presentation, and an Invitation | Submitted by Donna Patterson-Kellum Those of us in the Speech and Mystery Drama Group are finding that in reading and studying together Glen’s Mystery Play, Future Dawning, opportunities arise to explore with more immediacy different aspects of the moral good in our lives together. We can examine the roles we play and depend upon for security in our relationships, and the challenges we face when the dynamics change as our lives unfold within the politics of current events. It’s illustrated in the play how even the wisest among us, perhaps Dr. Steiner himself, must have experienced the deceptions of Ahriman and Lucifer in deeply personal ways. How could he have carved out the intricacies of the Representative of Man with such feeling as he did without having experienced those very struggles in himself. The Speech and Mystery Drama group welcomes anyone interested in joining. See the Calendar of Ongoing Groups and Activities later in this newsletter for more details. | |  | Winter Solstice, a Reflection on the traditions of Christmas. By Kathy Rem These questions live in me, especially around the holy nights: Why December 25th and what is the significance of a Christmas tree and presents? History tells us that Jesus’s birth wasn’t celebrated at all until the first recorded event was found in a Roman calendar from 336 AD. The Roman Christian historian, Sectus Julius Africanus, believed that March 25 was the date Mary was visited by Gabriel and told of her conception. Nine months later would be December 25th. Coincidentally, the date overlapped with existing pagan festivals honoring Saturn, the Roman god of agriculture, and Mithra, the Persian god of light. It was thought that combining the two festivals would make it easier for the pagans to accept Christianity as the empire’s official religion. The winter solstice has been celebrated since ancient times as the return of light that conquers the darkness. New life was to begin as the sun lengthened the days for the rebirth of the earth. The ancient Egyptians filled their homes with green palm rushes symbolizing the triumph of life over death. Romans celebrated Saturnalia, as mentioned above, and decorated their homes with evergreen boughs. In northern Europe the Druids decorated their temples with evergreen symbolizing everlasting life. The Christmas tree is a fairly new custom dating back to around the 16th century in Germany. It is recorded that Martin Luther marveled at the brilliance of a starry winter night and wanted to create the scene for his family. He set out to attach lighted candles on a cut tree in his home and continued the tradition every winter. I wonder at the impulse from the past ages that have influenced the Christmas tree traditions. And where will the future take us in remembering the cosmic meanings, opportunities, and connections to the real Spirit during the dark solstice night, awakening into the return of Light? The Magi followed the star, a light of Wisdom that would lead them to the prophesized Being prepared to receive a God. They brought gifts symbolizing the outer wisdom-filled man (gold), the victory of the life after death (Myrrh), and the cosmic ether where the Spirit lives (frankincense). The giving of gifts, of oneself, of light and joy was, and still can be, a sacred gesture. Even though Christmas has become a capitalistic frenzy of too many toys, too much food, and not that much knowing of what the time of the year really offers, I know that I am so touched when someone gives me a gift made by their own hands. Giving the gift of oneself to be received in the mood of gratitude and love can keep the meaning of the Magi’s gifts current and relevant. In the 17th century New England Puritans wanted nothing to do with “pagan mockery” and “heathen traditions” and outlawed any celebration of Christmas other than going to church. That lasted until the Germans and Irish immigrated in great numbers in the 19th century and the Puritans were undermined. I question, is Ahriman using his materialistic journey with the traditions of Christmas to infiltrate and harden the true meaning of the season? The impulses first acted upon at the winter solstice celebrating the return of the sun to earth, and a child born to bear that light, became the celebration of Christmas. The esoteric symbols of the Tree of Life are reflected in the Christmas tree. The pentagram atop the tree is reminiscent of the star of the Magi legend, the wisdom, the light conquering the dark. The lights strung around the tree, reflecting the dark winter starry nights, are no substitute for gazing at the heavenly bodies outside, but the impulse is there. The recognition that the stars are here for us, to give us awe and gratitude, joy and goodwill. As Rudolf Steiner put it, “Humanity will have the Light born in them where it will no longer be said, the darkness comprehends not the Light but when the truth will ring out from cosmic space; the darkness gives way before the Light that shines in the star of humanity and now the Darkness comprehends the Light!” Symbols to put on the Christmas tree: The pentagram – the star of mankind that all wise men follow Tao (the I am) The alpha and the omega – the beginning to the end Above the triangle is the symbol of the Tarok, symbolizing life that fades in death and again sprouts forth anew into life. The triangle is the symbol of the higher man: Spirit Self, Life Spirit and Spirit Man. The square is the symbol of the fourfold nature of man: physical body, ether body, astral body and ego
|  | | An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it. Truth stands, even if there be no public support. It is self-sustained. Mahatma Gandhi | | Opportunity to Acquire Free Mystery Drama Costumes-Time Sensitive |  | Dear Community Members of the greater Portland area and near Port Townsend, Costumes from Sophia Walsh’s decades long LA Mystery Drama work have been stored in Colorado since her passing. They in turn need the school storage space to be cleared no later than December 17, 2022. They received 21 regular to medium sized boxes. They suggest the equivalent would be 2 medium-sized racks to hang everything, with a few boxes of hats or shoes that wouldn’t be hung. Creating costumes is a big part of each production we have held here in Portland, and this would greatly ease our burden, and enable more productions. We have money to ship these items, but our group has no storage space to offer. Even if a few community members could offer some storage space in an attic, basement or closet, that would divide the burden of storage. The costumes could remain boxed, though that means lots of ironing later. We would really appreciate it if some of you could offer help in this regard. Even the ability to hang 5 costumes would be wonderful. Please let me know if you can help with storage. Our local Speech and Mystery Drama group and/or Port Townsend's will be thrilled. Contact Diane Rumage 971- 271-7479. drumage@comcast.net Thank you! | | Helen Lubin on the Source of the Prayer Brought to Us by Astrid Schmitt-Stegmann: “Lovely to receive this. At some point people might like to know that the prayer is by Ernst Karl Plachner (Sept. 6, 1896 - Jan. 23, 1982). (I researched it with the Dornach archives years ago because I saw it with Steiner's name on it but it didn't seem like Rudolf Steiner.)” You my heavenly friend, my angel, who led me to the earth and who will lead me through the gate of death into the spirit home of the human soul, You who knows the path for millennia, do not cease to enlighten me, to strengthen me, to advise me so that I will emerge from the weaving destiny fire as a stronger destiny vessel and will ever more fill myself with the divine world goals. Explanatory note by Rudolf Steiner to this prayer: This prayer is a direct call of the human soul to her angel. Every person has an angel who is his individual guiding being, who, constantly accompanying the human being, gives the right impulses and indications to the earthly human soul from the direct observation of the entire fabric of destiny of this human being – if this soul wants to receive them. The angel accompanies the human soul through its various earthly lives and knows exactly the path of this soul and its aspirations, tasks, hardships and distresses. He can see this soul in its entire being just as he can see the spiritual world with its laws and possibilities, and he helps and guides the human soul on its necessary paths. | |  | | The Peoples' Declaration for Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Healthcare (TCIH). Dear Friends of ELIANT, Most citizens want health care that focuses on the whole person and respects cultural diversity. While 80% of all countries world-wide report the use of traditional, complementary or integrative practices, this high demand is not yet reflected in national health systems due to the lack of recognition and regulation, or a result of limited collaboration between different healthcare systems. In response, a group of more than 89 healthcare organizations, practitioners, patients, and scientists from around the world is uniting around a shared vision of healthcare and have launched the Peoples' Declaration for Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Healthcare (TCIH). Our Alliance ELIANT member, the International Federation of Anthroposophic Medical Associations (IVAA) is an active promoter of TCIH and have supported the Declaration partners in developing a common vision of health care for the near future: ''The healthcare we envision focuses on the whole person, is participative, respects individual choices, as well as cultural diversity and engages in respectful evidence-informed collaboration between all systems of healthcare.'' TCIH focuses on the whole person and considers the individual in their physical, psychological, spiritual, social, and environmental context. The Declaration will collect signatures of support from organizations and individuals worldwide over the course of one year to demonstrate the demand for TCIH to policy makers. We would be extremely pleased if our ELIANT friends would support this international call to action and could sign and follow the Declaration milestones at tcih.org! With your signature you support this urgently needed change of perspective in medicine worldwide. This is the good "lobbying" that can currently only be done by civil society! It is up to all of us! In the hope that you will be able to support this important cause. Best summer greetings on behalf of the ELIANT Team Yours, Michaela Glöckler | How Can Global Threats to Our Livelihoods Be Met Constructively? Dear Friends of ELIANT, The news is currently (and justifiably) dominated by the war in Ukraine and the supply of energy. However, the huge challenges that threaten our livelihoods, even in peace time, have not gone away – on the contrary! But the more people feel called upon to meet these challenges constructively, the greater is the help that can be offered to our planet. Some ideas in this direction can be found in the booklet Breathing with the Climate crisis available here as a pdf Seeds as the basis of life By cutting, editing or switching off strands of DNA using the technology of modern genetics changes are being made to the plant's genome and hence to the genetic material of organisms whose consequences are unknown. That is why all genetic modification procedures must be strictly regulated and always declared! This is the purpose of the petition supported by ELIANT and its partners – "Keep new GM food strictly regulated and labelled" – which you can sign here until 20th November 2022! It would be great if you could also forward it to others! Age-appropriate digital education – the human foundation for life Our alliance partner ECSWE has been successfully engaging with this for several years. Two important milestones are: Firstly the HERMMES – project and secondly its input to the UN report "Impact of the digitalization of education on the right to education" . ECSWEs position paper has been cited several times in this report and is also available in full text from the relevant UN website. On November 30th, 12.00 to 13.30 ECSWE and the Alliance for Childhood invite to Brussels to participate in the event Media maturity and how to build it. For more information click here. 5G and the internet of things: Wireless radiation affects biological systems The internet of things is on the way and is no doubt of importance to the economy – but it does come with significant health risks.The World Health Organisation (WHO) describes wireless radiation as being potentially carcinogenic. This means it is classified a carcinogen of category B which also includes lead, DDT pesticides and chloroform. Electro-sensitivity has now been given the code Z58 in the ICD catalogue of the WHO and therefore has statutory diagnostic recognition. Already in 2011 the European Council recommended to: "Pay particular attention to "electro-sensitive" persons suffering from a syndrome of intolerance to electromagnetic fields and introduce special measures to protect them, including the creation of wave-free areas not covered by the wireless network" (Resolution 1815). Since there are still no universally convincing long term studies funded independently of the mobile phone industry, those urging caution are right in that adequate results must be available before a comprehensive roll out of the mobile phone network takes place.
ELIANT is therefore supporting the European petition Wireless radiation is neither safe nor healthy which you can sign. In democracies large numbers are needed in order to bring about change. That is what we as a civil society organization are called on to do and we are glad to contribute through our ELIANT initiative. With warm greetings and best wishes for your health and that of the planet on behalf of the ELIANT team Michaela Glöckler Your donations help our work to take off – thank you very much! | | MICHAELA GLÖCKLER: WHERE ARE WE NOW IN THE CORONA-PANDEMIC? WHAT CAN HELP US TO LIVE CONSTRUCTIVELY WITH THE CONSEQUENCES? | This 49 page booklet was kindly translated from German to English by Astrid Schmidt-Stegmann and forwarded to council member Walter Rice at his request. We have Dr. GlÖckler’s permission to make it available through our newsletter. Click here to be linked to the materials, now available as a pdf. | | Portland Branch Calendar | First Class of the School of Spiritual Science. Sunday December 11, 9:30 am sharp, Recapitulation Lesson 6 • (no admittance after the class starts) • Bothmer Hall, 5915 SE Division St. • Remember your Blue Card. See 2022 Schedule below. For more information contact: Cheri Munske cherimunske@gmail.com, Diane Rumage drumage@comcast.net or Rebecca Soloway rrsoloway1@gmail.com Portland Branch Council Meeting Monday December 12, Branch Library/Community Space, 5415 SE Powell Blvd, entrance off parking lot in the back. All Branch members are welcome to attend, and/or call us with agenda items, proposals, suggestions, or to observe. Please contact us at portlandanthroposophy@gmail.com to let us know you’re coming. Meetings are normally held on the second Monday of each month. Branch Advent Celebration: The Heart of Advent with Sanford Miller Saturday, December 3, Branch Library/Community Space, 5415 SE Powell Blvd, Entrance off parking lot in back of the church Together we will cultivate the Advent mood with a presentation by Sanford Miller about the core of Advent - what it is meant to be as contrasted with what it has become in our culture today - followed by conversation, singing (with piano), and tea once again served from the Rice’s silver tea set. Sanford joins us from the Sacramento Christian Community The Christian Community December 1-4 Reverend Sanford Miller will visit, bringing sacraments, lectures, study and conversation. All events at Bothmer Hall - 5919 SE Division St., except for the Saturday Advent Celebration, which will be at the Branch library, 5415 SE Powell Blvd. Contact Wes Burch with questions: 503 568 - 5009 Thursday December 1 7:30 - The Radical Renewal of Christianity in the Light of Micha-el Friday, December 2 7:30 - Blessings, Mistakes and Misunderstandings: The Enigmatic Relationship Between The Christian Community and the Anthroposophical Society Saturday, December 3 9:00 - Act of Consecration 10:15 - Apocalyptic Becoming: Navigating the Conflicts of Our Time - New Testament Study - Luke 21: 25 - 37 2:00 - 3:30 -The Core of Advent: What is Advent? Why is Advent? - Talk by Reverend Sanford Miller, singing, tea and conversation Location: St Mark's Church - 5415 SE Powell Blvd, Entrance off parking lot in the back. Sunday, December 4 10:30 - Act of Consecration
Study: An Outline of Occult Science with Cheri Munske Monday Evenings starting 10-3-22, 6:45-8:15 pm, Portland Waldorf School Eurythmy Room, 2300 SE Harrison St. Milwaukie, OR 97222. Suggested Donation $15 For more information email PacificEurythmy@gmail.com or visit PacificEurythmy.com See flier below. Community Eurythmy Saturdays Saturdays 9:30-10:30am 10/22/22 - 4/29/23 (No Class 11/26, 12/17, 12/24, 12/31, 2/25, 3/25, 4/1, 4/8) At the Portland Waldorf School, 2300 SE Harrison, Milwaukie. Free and Open to All Adults. For details contact Amanda Leonard leonaaleonaa@gmail.com or (503)519-9487. Shepherds’ Play Friday, December 23, 5 pm, Bothmer Hall, 5915 SE Division St. Donations gladly accepted. See piece in this newsletter. Stay tuned for the possibility of two performances! Holy Nights Dec 26, Jan 1, Jan 6, Branch Library/Community Space, 5415 SE Powell Blvd, entrance off parking lot in the back.
| | Ongoing Groups and Activities | Beginning Astrosophy Class First and Third Wednesdays, 7-8:30 pm • 8654 NE Boehmer St. • Contact Diane Rumage, 971-271-7479 drumage@comcast.net This class will introduce participants to the basic principles of Astrosophy in a study of the works of Willi Sucher and Diane Rumage’s work with the stars, with indications that Rudolf Steiner gave for those interested in the cosmos. No previous knowledge necessary. Please bring blank paper and colored pencils to the class in case we need to use them. If you are just curious if you’d be interested, please feel free to come and check us out. Free The Occult Significance of Forgiveness Study Group • First Monday of the month, 7:45-9:00 pm • Currently conducted in person and on Zoom • Contact Heidi Sheppard, HSHEPPAR@LHS.ORG Free Please join us in lively discussions centered on Sergei Prokofieff’s The Occult Significance of Forgiveness. Speech Formation and Mystery Drama Group 2nd & 4th Wednesdays, 7:00-8:30 pm • 8654 NE Boehmer St, Portland, OR 97220 • Contact Diane Rumage drumage@comcast.net or 971 271-7479. Free No experience necessary, just enthusiasm and a love of the Word. Now studying Glen Williamson’s mystery drama, Future Dawning. The Tarot in Light of Spiritual Science with James Knight • Every other Tuesday • James (j365k@yahoo.com) is leading a class on "The Tarot" in light of spiritual science and practical occultism. This is not a class on the use of Tarot for divination. In this class we focus on the major arcanum of "The Tarot" as a practical tool for self development and insight into oneself and the world. The classes take place approximately every other Tuesday from 7pm to 8:30pm at the Branch Library Space (5415 SE Powell Blvd) Entrance off the parking lot in back of the church • This is a free class. Registration for the class happens through Meetup (meetup.com) where you can learn more about the class and RSVP at this page: https://www.meetup.com/experiences-in-spiritual-science/. Pacific Eurythmy Open Classes for the Community in Anthroposophy and the Arts Monday Evenings For details please see Pacific Eurythmy or call Jolanda, 503-896-3345 or Carrie, 415-686-3791 Waldorf Education and Teacher Training Lectures and Courses Conducted throughout the year by the Micha-el Institute Email us at inquiry@micha-elinstitue.com or call 971-808-1640 | |  |  | | Embryo in Us & Embryo in Motion: Two Seminars with Jaap van der Waal. Two separate DVD sets recorded live in Portland in 2010 & 2017, available only here. These two seminars explore human prenatal development and show how biology is expressing the essence of human spiritual enfoldment. Jaap van der Wal, PhD, MD now retired, was an associate professor for anatomy and embryology at the University of Maastricht, Holland. Contact the Portland Branch. | |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | | Your Ad Here | | Great gratitude to the members and friends who have donated thus far in 2022 to make this newsletter and our library/community space possible.John Beck, Christine Badura, Jeremy Davis, Julie Foster, Vicki Hess-Smith, Mark Hope, Valerie Hope, Lois (Tish) Johnson, Marsha Johnson, Timothy Kennedy, Rene Kehrwald, James Knight, Anne Kollender, Barry Lia, Mihoko Lunsford, Lisa Masterson, Brian McClure, Cheri Munske, Robin O'Brien, Lucy O’Neal, Donna Patterson-Kellum, Kathy Rem, Pamela Rico, Diane Rumage, Kimberly Sinclair, Jerry Soloway, Rebecca Soloway, Linda Sussman, Miriam Ward | | Or send a check made out to Portland Branch, and send to Portland Branch c/o Mark Hope, 2606 SE 58th Ave. Portland, OR 97206. We will receive 100% of your donation if you choose this method of payment. | | |