| |  | Branch Library For information, to take out a book or to arrange a visit, contact Valerie Hope, portlandanthroposophy@gmail.com The Book Catalog is now on our website – the ‘search’ function is really helpful. To schedule the space for an event or meeting Contact James Knight, j365@yahoo.com Contact the Branch Council: portlandanthroposophy@gmail.com Website: portlandbranch.net | | August Newsletter/Calendar | | Apologies that the newsletter didn’t go out on August 1 during vacation as it was scheduled to. Branch viewing of the Mystech Conference at the Library, and the meteor showers, begins tomorrow, August 9! Sign up with Timothy Kennedy to view the Mystech Conference at the Library and/or field trips to experience the Perseid meteor showers Explanation of the connection between meteoric iron and human freedom - beautiful Arild Rosenkrantz depiction of Michael and the Dragon Summer, Ahriman, Sulfur and Us - the Antidote! Mystech Conference August 9-12, Resonance As A Bridge Between The Spiritual And The Physical, in person and online.Register here to watch the conference on your own - some of the proceeds will benefit the Portland Branch! The Biodynamic Cycles of the Year with the Cosmic Relationships to the Preps Presented by Lynn Madsen - Coming September 10! Pacific Eurythmy, a part-time eurythmy training initiative in Portland, Oregon is starting a new class this Autumn, September 2023! The only training on the west coast with a pathway to a recognized diploma through affiliation with Eurythmy Spring Valley. Community Bulletin Board - Two Book Cases need a new home!
| |  | To sign up for meteor shower viewing, and/or any part of the Mystech Conference at the library, email Timothy Kennedy, timok33@gmail.com or call Timothy at 707-319-6579
| It just so happens that the peak of the Perseid meteor showers this August coincides with the Mystech Conference (conference details in this newsletter further on ). The meteors should be easy to spot this year because of the waning crescent moon (as opposed to, say, a full moon).
Timothy Kennedy, who is organizing the field trip to dark skies so that we can practice Spirit Awareness/Sensing, has had the idea to combine viewing of the Mystech Conference during the day at the branch library with viewing of the meteor showers after dark - carpooling together (or separately if you wish) to a dark sky spot.
Mystech Conference Viewing at Branch Library Wednesday-Saturday, August 9, 4:30 pm to August 12, 12:30 pm Pacific time. The program and speakers can be found here. You can check it out and decide whether there are particular speakers/topics you would like to catch, if you aren’t available for the whole thing.
The conference is on the east coast, so talks start at 6 am pt Thurs-Sat.. The logistics/timing of a bi-coastal conference, one in person, the other virtual, can be challenging in this way. (It was easier for the easterners last year as the in person conference was in Seattle, so mornings for them began at a more reasonable time.) The Opening on Wednesday, 4:30 pm with Gopi Krishna Vijaya, PhD may be of special interest - last year he proved to be a great presenter. This year his topic is, From Atoms to the Avogadro Number
| | How the Iron From the Meteor Showers Serves the Striving For Human Freedom! |  | In researching Cosmic Iron for this newsletter with the goal of offering an an aid for practicing ‘Spirit Sensing/Awareness’ of the effects of the Michaelic Perseid meteor showers, (which have been shooting homeopathic meteoric iron into the cells of our blood since July 14, and will continue until August 24), I came across something I hadn’t seen before - Rudolf Steiner’s lecture Supersensible Man, Lecture III. You may find reading about the topic of cosmic iron below, and the piece from The Michael Imagination, well worth the your time, as I have. I have also been pondering a question: Is the cosmic meteoric iron which Michael sends us to counter the summer sulfur process which rises in us (for more on this see the piece below from the Michael Imagination) – does this have anything to do with what Rudolf Steiner describes as Michael keeping the dragon in his place? I also wonder about what we can experience as attacks on our blood and hearts in recent times.
Below are excerpts which can help to illuminate what is actually sun activity, and our responsibility for making best use of Michael’s gift of cosmic iron in our blood, as we have moved from the predominant influence of the sun during the Graeco-Roman epoch, to a predominant Mars influence in our own epoch.
As always, I recommend reading from a printed page rather than the screen, whether you copy out the excerpts below, or the entire lecture from the Rudolf Steiner Archive.
And, speaking of the archive, it is our donations which keep this valuable site afloat, so if you are so moved please do support them here. vh **** From Supersensible Man: During the Graeco-Latin epoch sun influences worked upon the Earth with greatest strength, having a “…remarkably deep influence on the whole form and development of civilization…(and) there was a strong aptitude on Earth for the perception of the purely spiritual in the starry heavens…The strongest cosmic influence working upon humanity today is the impulse which comes from Mars existence… (emphasis vh) …The Sun’s influences remain; but the Mars existence begins to be a significant factor in what happens on Earth.
…In our time we are learning what cosmic battle is. We can“sense” it taking place. Most of us cannot unravel its mysteries; but we know that in cosmic existence war is being waged to-day between all manner of good and evil spirits. And here the Sun existence acquires a particular significance for our age… What then is actually the influence of the Sun in regard to the Earth to-day? I will indicate one only of its activities.
…You are, of course, familiar with the phenomenon of the Sunspots which appear with a certain regularity. Dark spots are observed on the Sun.
A constant impulse arises from within the Sun to throw out Sun-substance into the Universe through these dark portals. And the Sun-substance thus thrown out appears within our solar system in the form of comets, meteors and shooting stars. Now it is particularly in our age that the Beings who rule over the Universe from within the Sun are casting forth these comets, meteors and shooting stars. They did so in earlier times as well, but in our time this activity of theirs has a new significance.
You will remember I said how in earlier times it was the purely spiritual impulses in the starry system that were particularly at work. In our time it is the impulses contained in the iron thrown out from the Sun that have special significance for human beings. And these impulses are used by Him whom we know as the Michael Spirit, in the service of the spiritual in the Cosmos. In our age there are thus present in the Cosmos impulses which were not working with the same strength in earlier periods of civilization.
This cosmic iron, in its spiritual nature, makes it possible for the Michael Spirit to mediate between the super-sensible and the material on Earth. We find, therefore, on the one side a spirit of warfare abroad in the world man enters, when in our time he reaches to what lies behind outer sense-existence.
When a man crosses the Threshold with super-sensible sight and instead of directing his gaze to matters which concern him personally turns his attention to great affairs of the Universe which underlie our whole civilization, then he sees warfare and battle, spiritual battle. There is strife, there is war and conflict in the spiritual, behind the veils of existence. And the iron which, even to the point of physical manifestation, is thrown out by the Sun Spirits into the Cosmos — with this iron Michael arms Himself for His task in the cosmic war. For Michael has the task of helping humanity to go forward in the right way in face of these Powers of Strife behind the veils of civilization.On the one hand — battle and warfare. On the other hand — the labors and strivings of Michael.
…Now all this is again connected with the development of man's freedom, man's free spiritual activity. As earthly men we have iron in our blood. If we were beings with no iron in our blood, the feeling and impulse of freedom would still be able to arise in our souls, but we should not have bodies which could be used for putting this impulse into operation. That we are able not only to conceive the idea of freedom, but also to feel in our body the power to make the body itself into a bearer of the impulse of freedom, is due to the fact that in our age we can learn how Michael takes the cosmic iron,which was cast out also in former times, into His service. And we ourselves,if we understand the Michael impulse aright, can learn how to place the iron that we have within us into the service of the impulse of spiritual freedom. (emp hvh)
Matter in any case has meaning for us only when we learn to understand it as an expression of the Spiritual in the Universe. In this age what we have to learn is to make the right use of the iron in our blood. For wherever iron is, there too is the impulse for the development of freedom. (emp hvh) This is true in the Cosmos and true also in man. It was out of a deep instinct that the Initiates of old ascribed iron to Mars — iron which has a significance for human blood, and therewith also a cosmic significance.
…The age in which we live is, therefore, also bound up with the experiences through which man passes between death and rebirth. Perception of what is happening on Earth is strongest during the period of existence in the Sun-sphere, but it is always there after death in greater or less degree.From the super-earthly regions in which he lives between death and a new birth,man is perpetually looking down at the earthly world. If it were not so, the earthly world would become foreign to him during the long journey between death and a new birth. | | Summer, Ahriman, Sulfur & Us - the Antidote | From The Michael Imagination: “And when in high summer, from a particular constellation, meteors fall in great showers of cosmic iron, then this cosmic iron, which carries an enormously powerful healing force, is the weapon which the gods bring to bear against the dragon-like Ahriman, as he tries to coil round the shining forms of men. The force which falls on the earth in the meteoric iron is indeed a cosmic force whereby the higher gods endeavour to gain a victory over the Ahrimanic powers, when autumn comes on.
And this majestic display in cosmic space, when the August meteor showers stream down into the human shining in the astral light, has its counterpart — so gentle and apparently so small — in a change that occurs in the human blood. This human blood, which is in truth not such a material thing as present-day science imagines, but is permeated throughout by impulses from soul and spirit, is rayed through by the force which is carried as iron into the blood and wages war there on anxiety, fear and hate. …The processes which are set going on a minute human scale in every blood-corpuscle when the force of iron shoots into it, are the same as those which take place when meteors fall in a shining stream through the air. This permeation of human blood by the anxiety-dispelling force of iron is a meteoric activity occurring inside us.
The effect of the raying in of the iron is to drive fear and anxiety out of the blood….And so, as the gods with their meteors wage war on the spirit who would like to radiate fear over all the earth through his coiling serpent-form, and while they cause iron to stream radiantly into this fear-tainted atmosphere, which reaches its peak when summer wanes or when autumn approaches — so the same process occurs inwardly in man, when his blood is permeated with iron.
…. We can understand these things only if we understand their inner spiritual significance on the one hand, and if on the other we recognize how the sulphur-process and the iron-process in man are connected with corresponding events in the cosmos….This is the connection between the inner man and the universe. And then we can see how, especially when autumn is approaching, there is a great raying-out of sulphur from the nerve-system towards the brain. The whole man can then be seen as a sulphur-illuminated phantom, so to speak.
But raying into this bluish-yellow sulphur atmosphere come the meteor swarms from the blood. That is the other phantom in us. While the sulphur-phantom rises in clouds from the lower part of man towards his head, the iron-forming process rays out from his head and pours itself like a stream of meteors into the life of the blood…. A man who looks out into space and sees a shooting-star should say to himself, with reverence for the gods: ’That occurrence in the great expanse of space has its minute counterpart continuously in myself. There are the shooting-stars, while in every one of my blood-corpuscles iron is taking form, my life is full of miniature shooting-stars.’ And this inner fall of shooting-stars, pointing to the life of the blood, is especially important when autumn approaches, when the sulphur-process is at its peak. For when men are shining like glow-worms in the way I have described, then the counter-force is present also, for millions of tiny meteors are scintillating inwardly in their blood.” - Rudolf Steiner, The Michael Imagination from The Four Seasons and the Archangels
| |  | Calling all eurythmy enthusiasts, alumni of Waldorf Education, and seekers of artistic expression, joy and the healing arts!
Pacific Eurythmy, a part-time eurythmy training initiative in Portland, Oregon is starting a new class this Autumn! September 2023!
We are the only training on the west coast with a pathway to a recognized diploma through our affiliation with Eurythmy Spring Valley.
Come join us! Discover yourself through the artistic, healing movement of Eurythmy! Take the first steps on your journey of creative expression and self-discovery!
This is an opportunity to dive deeply into the fundamentals and foundations of this art form. Along with the eurythmy curriculum, guest teachers cover the basics in anatomy, painting, music theory, creative speech, geometric form, and more.
For more information visit: https://pacificeurythmy.com/ To register: https://pacificeurythmy.com/application Email: PacificEurythmy@gmail.com
| | | Portland Branch Council Meeting Date tbd (note date change) Branch Library/Community Space, 5415 SE Powell Blvd, entrance off parking lot in the back. All Branch members are welcome to attend, and/or call us with agenda items, proposals, suggestions, or to observe. Please contact us at portlandanthroposophy@gmail.com to let us know you’re coming. Meetings are normally held on the second Monday of each month. | COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES | | ON-GOING STUDIES/GROUPS | First Class of the School of Spiritual Science. No Classes in July and August, Summer hiatus (usually second Sunday of the month with a few exceptions) 9:30 am sharp, Lesson 4 • (no admittance after the class starts) • Bothmer Hall, 5915 SE Division St. • Remember your Blue Card. For more information contact: Cheri Munske cherimunske@gmail.com, Diane Rumage drumage@comcast.net or Rebecca Soloway rrsoloway1@gmail.com
Beginning Astrosophy Class First and Third Wednesdays, 7-8:30 pm • 8654 NE Boehmer St. • Contact Diane Rumage, 971-271-7479 drumage@comcast.net This class will introduce participants to the basic principles of Astrosophy in a study of the works of Willi Sucher and Diane Rumage’s work with the stars, with indications that Rudolf Steiner gave for those interested in the cosmos. No previous knowledge necessary. Please bring blank paper and colored pencils to the class in case we need to use them. If you are just curious if you’d be interested, please feel free to come and check us out. Free
Mary Isis Sophia, Her Mission and Ours - Vancouver, WA Study Group Every other Wednesday, 6:00pm - 8:00pm, in person - Contact KathyRem@gmail.com
The Occult Significance of Forgiveness Study Group • First Monday of the month, 7:45-9:00 pm • Currently conducted in person and on Zoom • Contact Heidi Sheppard, HSHEPPAR@LHS.ORG Free Please join us in lively discussions centered on Sergei Prokofieff’s The Occult Significance of Forgiveness.
Pacific Eurythmy: Enroll for new classes which begin in September! Please visit our website for more information and registration:https://pacificeurythmy.com/events-and-workshops Pacific Eurythmy Teaching FacultyJolanda Frischknecht & Carrie Mass, jolandamf44@gmail.com & Carecare0@gmail.com
Speech Formation and Mystery Drama Group 2nd & 4th Wednesdays, 7:00-8:30 pm • 8654 NE Boehmer St, Portland, OR 97220 • Contact Diane Rumage drumage@comcast.net or 971 271-7479. Free No experience necessary, just enthusiasm and a love of the Word. Our group will start a new reading and studying of “The Portal of Initiation”, Rudolf Steiner’s first Mystery Drama dealing with the karma and reincarnations of a group of people around the turn of the 20th century, on April 12, 2023.
The Tarot in Light of Spiritual Science with James Knight • Every other Tuesday James (j365k@yahoo.com), is leading a class on "The Tarot" in light of spiritual science and practical occultism. This is not a class on the use of Tarot for divination. In this class we focus on the major arcanum of "The Tarot" as a practical tool for self development and insight into oneself and the world. The classes take place approximately every other Tuesday from 7pm to 8:30pm at the Branch Library Space (5415 SE Powell Blvd) Entrance off the parking lot in back of the church • This is a free class. Registration for the class happens through Meetup (meetup.com) where you can learn more about the class and RSVP at this page: https://www.meetup.com/experiences-in-spiritual-science/.
Waldorf Education and Teacher Training Lectures and Courses Conducted throughout the year by the Micha-el Institute Email us at inquiry@micha-elinstitue.com or call 971-808-1640
| |  | A new feature of the newsletter is this Community Bulletin Board, the brainchild of Christine Badura, who now finds that she has time to make it a reality. Community members can post their offerings and/or things they are looking for. To post, please call Christine at 707-494-6741 or email badura88@hotmail.com. Possible categories that can be posted: Housing, Give Aways, Help Wanted/Offered, Announcements, Items Wanted. **** | Two Book Cases need a new home! Dimensions are 7’ x 3’ x1’ Please contact Denise at deeprootsfarm@harbornet.com if interested. |  |  | | Experience the Mystech Conference 2023, Resonance as a Bridge Between the Spiritual and Physical - and Benefit the Portland Branch Last year the Portland Branch received a generous contribution from the Mystech Conference, who donated part of each registration fee from those who registered for the conference through the Portland Branch. They have made the same offer this year, so whether you sign up through this ad to attend in person or online, we will receive a contribution. Click on the flyer below for more information and to register. |  | https://go.mystech.org/mc2023-portlandbranch |  | |  | |  |  |  |  |  | |  | Please consider becoming a member of the Portland Anthroposophical Branch. The annual recommended membership is still $50, or what you can afford. Annual memberships renew every January. This supports our community workshops, presenters, festivals, branch rent, website, and library.
Please join, renew, or donate (for instance to the $4,000 matching grant for rent) on our website at https://portlandbranch.net/don(ations/. If you send a check, we will receive 100% of your donation. Make it out to Portland Branch, and send to: Portland Branch *c/o Valerie Hope * 2606 SE 58th Ave. * Portland, Or 97206.
Thank you for your commitment, your participation, and the community building your help gives to ensure that Anthroposophy is alive and in action here in the Portland area.
Great gratitude to the members and friends who have donated thus far in 2023 to make this newsletter and our library/community space possible. (This list will be updated in the next newsletter.) Jerry & Rebecca Soloway, Nancy Peirce, Julie Foster, Robin Lieberman, Pamela M Rico, Robin O’Brien, Deborah Ham, Sandra & Wes Burch, Rene Kehwald, Kathy Rem, Robin O’Brien, Tish Johnson, Mihoko Lunsford, Kimberly Sinclair, Vicki Hess-Smith, Mark & Valerie Hope, Diane Rumage, Linda Sussman, James Knight, Marsha Johnson, Timothy Kennedy, Jeremy Davis, Lisa Masterson, Donna Patterson, Cheri Munske, Julie Foster, Lucy O’Neal, Michele Limas, Kendall Weaver, Geelim Soowhan, Pamela Rico, Brian McClure, Miriam Ward, Christine Badura, Laura Elmore, Walter Rice, Amada Eastman, Karen Nelson, Constance Stokes, Anne Kollander, Nancy Peirce, Robin Lieberman, Pamela Rico, Deorah Ham, Susan Andres, Rene Kehrwald, Diane Schell-Rowley, Barbara Strong, Marsha Johnson, Magic of Waldorf | |  | Embryo in Us & Embryo in Motion: Two Seminars with Jaap van der Waal. Two separate DVD sets recorded live in Portland in 2010 & 2017, available only here. These two seminars explore human prenatal development and show how biology is expressing the essence of human spiritual enfoldment. Jaap van der Wal, PhD, MD now retired, was an associate professor for anatomy and embryology at the University of Maastricht, Holland. Contact the Portland Branch. | | | | |