Festival of the Holy Spirit – Whitsun
Sunday May 23rd Observance
What are my gifts? What are my tools? How can I place them in right relationship within the social realm? How can I hone them to strengthen and enhance the world?
Through leading thoughts and conversation we are called to redeem the ether spheres to create an Ecclesia, a chalice for The Sophia. Then the spirit flame can spread out to become what Steiner called a World Whitsun which began in earnest at the Christmas Conference.
The Whitsun Festival highlights one of the greatest challenges of being human: placing our individual gifts in right relationship within the social realm. This challenge is especially strong now during this “pandemic.” Our groups, striving to know Spiritual Science, must work together as a community to create a new culture where a sacrament is possible in every encounter. Our individual strength is enhanced by weaving our gifts together, kindling our social world in conscious community.
Rudolf Steiner calls Whitsun variously: Festival of the Holy Spirit; Festival of Flowers…