| January Newsletter/Calendar 2022 The Library is open 10 am-8pm every Saturday. Contact Lisa Jones, lmjones1075@protonmail.com | | In this Issue:Save the Dates Why Christmas was moved from January 6 to December 24-25 Opportunity: Letter re. $4000 matching grant for 2022 Branch Space Rent Calendar, Events/Ongoing Groups Calling all Shepherds Play Enthusiasts Events Fliers Embryo DVD’s Available Advertisers/Sponsors Members/Donors
| | Save the Dates (more details in the Fliers, Articles & Calendar below)Portland Branch Holy Nights Observances, January 2 & 6. Time Change Sunday, 2nd to 3 pm Shepherds Play Enthusiasts, January 3 Anatomy with Dr. John Takacs • 4 Mondays, January 10,24,31, February 7 Painting with Cheri Munske • Saturdays January 15, February 12, March 12 The Art Hall presents Healing Images, Opening Reception Friday, January 21 Alma’s Wish – an Original Puppet Show, January 27-February 6 Uncovering the Voice with Christiaan Boele, January 28-30
| |  | Adoration of the Magi - EpiphanyWhy Christmas Was Moved from January 6 to December 24-25 Taken from Rudolf Steiner by V. Hope: Birth of the Sun-Spirit as Spirit of the Earth. The Thirteen Holy Nights Christmas has not always been observed on December 25 as it is now. During the first three centuries AD the nativity, the Festival of Christ’s birth, was celebrated on January 6, as the event of Epiphany, the descent of Christ, the ‘Sun-Earth-Spirit’, into the body of Jesus of Nazareth at the Baptism in the Jordan. There was still an inkling at that time of what Rudolf Steiner characterizes as “…the mystery that is of all mysteries the most difficult for mankind to grasp, namely, the descent of the Christ Being into the body of Jesus of Nazareth.” Our capacity to understand this deep wisdom has dissipated over time. “From the fourth century onwards, with the approach of the materialistic age, the powers of the human soul — then still at the stage of preparation — were not strong enough to grasp the deep Mystery which from our time on will be understood in ever greater measure. And so it came about that to the same extent to which the outer power of Christianity increased, inner understanding of the Christ Mystery decreased, and the festival of the 6th of January ceased to have any essential meaning.” This insight, Steiner tells us, is “The insight for which we prepare ourselves today through Anthroposophy, through the wisdom belonging to the fifth Post-Atlantean epoch of civilization.” “The Festival of Jesus’ birth was celebrated for the first time in Rome in the year A.D.354.” While this change represents a truth (temporarily) lost, Dr. Steiner tells us that the working of Divine Wisdom can be seen in identifying the festival of Christ’s Nativity with the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, the Luke Jesus, on December 24/25. “Although the men responsible knew nothing of it — we cannot but marvel at the subconscious wisdom with which the festival of Christmas Day was instituted.” December 24 is the day dedicated to Adam and Eve, the next day is the Festival of Christ’s Nativity. Thus, the birth of Jesus of Nazareth (the Luke Jesus) was linked with the thought of our origin in earth evolution. “Forces working in hidden depths of the soul caused the picture to be presented of man as a being of soul-and-spirit before physical embodiment, at the starting-point of evolution as a physical human being. The picture is of the new-born child whose soul (which had until then been held back from earth incarnation. vh) is as yet untouched by the effects of contact with the physical body, of the child at the beginning of physical evolution on earth. But this is not a human child in the ordinary sense; it is the child who was there before human beings had reached the point of the first physical embodiment in earth-evolution. This is the being known in the Kabbala as Adam Kadmon — Man who descended from divine-spiritual heights, with all that he had acquired during the periods of Saturn, Sun, and Moon. The human being in his spiritual state at the very beginning of earth-evolution, born in the Jesus Child — this was presented to mankind by a Divine wisdom in the festival of Jesus' birth.” Rudolf Steiner speaks of the love that this image has called forth from human beings, and sent into the world. He also describes it as a source of inspiration, peace, and understanding for our own origins and the future we are striving for. “Turning to the source to be found in man's own, original being, before the onset of the Luciferic influence, we can say to ourselves: Whatever may befall you, whatever may torment you and draw you down from the shining spheres of the spirit, your divine origin is an eternal reality, hidden though it be in the depths of the soul. Recognition of this innermost power of the soul will give birth to the firm assurance that the heights are within your reach. And if you conjure before your soul all that is innocent, childlike, free from life's temptations, free from all that has already befallen human souls through the many incarnations since the beginning of earthly evolution, then you will have a picture of the human soul as it was before these earthly incarnations began.” It is during the Thirteen Holy Days and Nights that the soul can grasp most deeply of all, the import and meaning of the Baptism of Christ in the Jordan River by St. John. So, as we contemplate at Christmas the state of the human soul – our souls - before the Fall; and the Birth of a Sun-God, the Christ, on Epiphany, who brought new light and life into a failing world; we can use the most propitious time of the 13 Holy Nights to also expand our understanding of who we are, what we’re meant to be doing here, and all that comes to us from the spiritual world to make our mission possible. |  | | | Dear Friends of the Portland Branch of the Anthroposophical Society, We have been given an amazing opportunity! A $4,000 matching grant toward 2022 Branch Space rent! Last year we stepped bravely forward as an organization and rented a room in a church to house our precious library, a place where we could hold events and observe festivals on our own schedule, which turned out to be especially fortunate given the conditions of the past year. Recently our local Eurythmy group rented an identical room just across the hallway. This has created for the first time in Portland a place where we can gather in one site for these spirit-based endeavors, and we have enjoyed our encounters with one another, crossing the hallway to each others’ events. Thanks to dedicated volunteers, the library has been open on Saturdays for access and enjoyment. Thank you Lisa Jones for this steadfast volunteerism! So many volumes have been read and knowledge expanded! The recent Advent celebration with High Tea was so wonderful, thanks to all involved! The need for giving is great in order to maintain this space. Friends, the annual cost is $7200 per year for the rent of this beautiful space and the funds must arise from our community. We have been notified that a very generous and loving donor is going to provide $4000 to the Branch for this purpose, but it is a MATCHING grant! So if all of us step forward now and donate, every dollar will be matched up to $4000! This amount then would cover the rent for 2022. Your giving to this nonprofit organization is important and even critical. Our Branch has always gratefully received the generous and continuing donations from all of you, over so many years, which have made possible our newsletter, website, and spiritual working together, celebration of festivals, and our many speakers and workshops. Please take time today to make out a check to the Portland Branch, and mail it to Portland Branch, 2606 SE 58th, Portland OR 97206. With a check we receive 100% of your donation. Or you can click on the button below to visit the website at www.portlandbranch.net and use the donate Paypal feature to send in your loving gift. Respectfully, Marsha Johnson, Volunteer Fundraiser 503-309-4223 | | | Let’s Begin Work Now for a 2022 Shepherd’s PlayGreetings, We will be singing the songs from the Shepherds' Play this coming Monday, January 3. (Flier is attached below) Our group has talked about performing this play for the Portland community over the years. We decided to give it an early start for this coming year. Come sing, or let us know if you are interested in singing, performing, or helping behind the scenes - at a later date. Any questions - contact Wes Burch. Hearty Christmas blessings, Wes | | | First Class of the School of Spiritual Science. Sunday January 9, 9:30 am sharp • Lesson XV • (no admittance after the class starts at 9:30 sharp) • Bothmer Hall • Blue card required. • Lessons are normally held on the second Sunday of each month • Contact: Cheri Munske cherimunske@gmail.com, or Diane Rumage drumage@comcast.net for more information. Portland Branch Council Meeting • Monday, January 10, 7 pm • Branch Library/Community Space, 5415 SE Powell Blvd, entrance off parking lot in the back. All Branch members are welcome to attend, and/or call us with agenda items, proposals, suggestions, or to observe. Please contact us at portlandanthroposophy@gmail.com to let us know you’re coming. Meetings are normally held on the second Monday of each month. |
| Portland Branch Holy Nights Observances • Sunday, January 2, 3-4:30 pm (note Time Change), Epiphany, Thursday, Jan 6, 7 pm • Branch Library/Community Space, 5415 SE Powell Blvd, entrance off parking lot in the back. To let us know you’re coming or for more information contact us at portlandanthroposophy@gmail.com In the face of freezing temperatures, and in consultation with others, we have decided to move the time of our Holy Nights reading and conversation this Sunday, January 2, to 3-4:30 pm, at the Library Space. This will get people home while it’s still light and not yet frozen. We’ll read and consider together the 1905 lecture, The Christmas Festival as a Symbol of the Sun Victory, which can lead to a deeper understanding of our spiritual opportunities at this time of year. LIght refreshments will be served. Shepherds' Play - Come Sing the Songs • Monday, January 3, 7:00 pm • Portland Eurythmy Space - located upstairs at St. Mark Lutheran Church 5415 SE Powell Blvd, 97206. • Portland Eurythmy Space - located upstairs at St. Mark’S Lutheran Church 5415 SE Powell Blvd, 972063030 SW 2nd Ave. • Questions: Contact Wes Burch 503 568 5009 • If possible bring a little cash to contribute for the piano player • A bunch of us have been hankering to bring this meaningful and beautiful play back to our community. We will read through the play while singing the songs. Join us once, or bring your ideas for a year-long effort in 2022, to culminate in a performance next December. Anatomy with Dr. John Takacs • 4 Mondays, January 10,24,31, February 7, 5:30-6:30 pm • $20/Evening. • Bothmer Hall, 5915 SE Division St. • Come learn about Anatomy! Dr. Takacs will share about neuromuscular and skeletal functions. Painting with Cheri Munske • Saturdays January 15, February 12, March 12, 1:30-3:30 pm • Portland Eurythmy Space – Second Floor at St. Mark’S Lutheran Church, 5415 SE Powell Blvd, 97206 • $20 per class • For more information email PacificEurythmy@gmail.com or visit our website at PacificEurythmy.com Come work with the Moon Motif, from Steiner's Nature Sketches for painters. All experience levels welcome. The Art Hall at Cedarwood Waldorf School presents Anne Mavor: Healing Images Opening Reception Friday, January 21, 5-7 pm; Artist Presentation 6 pm, Exhibit through February 25, 2022 • 3030 SW 2nd Ave. • Open by appointment, contact Robin, 503-222-1192, thearthall.wordpress.com Alma’s Wish – an Original Puppet Show by Anca Hariton and David Woodin • Available Thursday January 27 – Sunday February 6 through their website page at www.leavendreampuppets.org where the link is an orange button. See the 40 second trailer now. Alma's Wish runs 30 min. and is suitable for ages 9 and up, yet younger children can also enjoy it. We accept donations or pay-what-you-will to welcome all who are interested. This poetic, fable-like creation uses our own story, puppets, sets, songs, filming, editing, producing etc. We hope many will enjoy it (the FG 2022 Festival site also lists a link from http://fertilegroundpdx.org/2022-festival/ and has other nice offers). See our website for details and pictures. Uncovering the Voice: A Singing Course for All, with Christiaan Boele • Friday, Jan. 28 6:30-8:00, Jan. 29-30, 10 am - 4 pm • Portland Eurythmy Space – Second Floor at St. Mark’S Lutheran Church, 5415 SE Powell Blvd, 97206 Tuition on a sliding scale, $200-$250 for the three days (preferred and highly encouraged), Friday only ($40-$50), Saturday or Sunday $110-$125. $15 discount possible for registration and payment by Jan. 15, 2022. • For more information or to register contact Deborah at uncoveredvoice@gmail.com. Rejuvenate and nourish your entire being with gentle yet powerful vocal exercises and open-hearted singing. In this course for everyone, regardless of musical experience, Christiaan brings warmth, humor, and wisdom through his many years of work with The School of Uncovering the Voice. These exercises, developed by Mrs. Valborg Werbeck-Svardstrom under the guidance of Rudolf Steiner, will be experienced and deepened over the three day course for maximum benefit and enjoyment. |
| | Ongoing Groups and Activities |
| Beginning Astrosophy Class First and Third Tuesdays • 8654 NE Boehmer St. • Contact Diane Rumage, 971-271-7479 drumage@comcast.net This class will introduce participants to the basic principles of Astrosophy in a study of the works of Willi Sucher and Diane Rumage’s work with the stars, with indications that Rudolf Steiner gave for those interested in the cosmos. No previous knowledge necessary. Please bring blank paper and colored pencils to the class in case we need to use them. If you are just curious if you’d be interested, please feel free to come and check us out. Free Manifestations of Karma Study Group First Monday of the month, 7:45-9 pm • Currently conducted on Zoom • Contact Jerry Soloway 503-908-7615, jrsoloway@hotmail.com Free Please join us in lively discussions centered on Rudolf Steiner’s Manifestations of Karma. Speech Formation and Mystery Drama Group 2nd & 4th Wednesdays, 7:30-9 pm • 8654 NE Boehmer St, Portland, OR 97220 • Contact Diane Rumage drumage@comcast.net or 971 271-7479. Free No experience necessary, just enthusiasm and a love of the Word. Now studying the 2nd Mystery Drama by Rudolf Steiner The Soul’s Probation. Pacific Eurythmy Open Classes for the Community in Anthroposophy and the Arts Monday Evenings For details please see Pacific Eurythmy or call Jolanda, 503-896-3345 or Carrie, 415-686-3791 Man and the World of the Stars Study, led by Cheri Munske Monday Evenings, 6:30-8:00 pm • Portland Eurythmy Space – Second Floor at St. Mark’S Lutheran Church, 5415 SE Powell Blvd, $15 Suggested Donation Limited space available. If you would like to join us contact us at PacificEurythmy@gmail.com Waldorf Education and Teacher Training Lectures and Courses Conducted throughout the year by the Micha-el Institute Contact Jen Davis, 503-449-7387 jennifer@micha-elinstitute.com | | | Embryo in Us & Embryo in Motion: Two Seminars with Jaap van der Waal. Two separate DVD sets recorded live in Portland in 2010 & 2017, available only here. These two seminars explore human prenatal development and show how biology is expressing the essence of human spiritual enfoldment. Jaap van der Wal, PhD, MD now retired, was an associate professor for anatomy and embryology at the University of Maastricht, Holland. Contact the Portland Branch. | |  | |  |  |  |  |  | |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | | Great Gratitude to our Members, Friends and Donors who make this newsletter and our library/community space possible.Cyndia A. Ashkar, Christine Badura, Virginia Berg, SandraBurch, Wes Burch, Kathreen DeMille, Stacey Durych, Amanda Eastman, Cheryl Fisher, Wendy Fisher, Robbie Forkish, Sara Genta, Mark Hope, Valerie Hope, Lois (Tish) Johnson, Marsha Johnson, Lisa Jones, Timothy Kennedy, James Knight, Anne Kollender, Anna Krecic, Liesl Li, Robin Lieberman, Michael Limas, Mihoko Lunsford, Lisa Masterson, Brian McClure, Cheri Munske, Eric Nielson, Robin O'Brien, Nancy Peirce, Susan Rice, Walter Rice, Pamela Rico, Lowell Rheinheimer, Diane Rumage, Diane Schell-Rowley, Kimberly Sinclair, Jerry Soloway, Rebecca Soloway, Barbara Strong, Deborah Velarde, Miriam Ward, Elizabeth Webber | | Or send a check made out to Portland Branch, and send to Portland Branch c/o Mark Hope, 2606 SE 58th Ave. Portland, OR 97206. We will receive 100% of your donation if you choose this method of payment. |
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