|  | | Branch Library For information, to take out a book or to arrange a visit, contact Valerie Hope, valerieannhpdx@aol.com 503-775-0778 The Book Catalog is now on the website itself in the Library section, where you can search for a title - and maybe happen upon something you didn’t know you were interested in. To schedule the space for an event or meeting contact James Knight, j365k@yahoo.com To contact the Portland Branch Council: portlandanthroposophy@gmail.com Website portlandbranch.net | | March Newsletter/Calendar 2023 | In This Issue: Easter Observance “Let There Be Light” April 8 From the First Goetheanum to the Foundation Stone Matinee Videos, March 12 - as we move in 2023 from the First Goetheanum Fire to the Foundation Stone Meditation Two Community Eurythmy Opportunities Listing of a variety of events through Pacific Eurythmy Council Breaking News - a grant and Membership Calendars - current events and ongoing groups Events Fliers Advertisers/Donors Embryo Workshops by Dr. Jaap Van Der Waal, dvds available
| |  | Every spring we can sense the gift of nature's creative process unfolding in response to the forces of light and warmth. Our inner being may then uncover a source of meaning and responsibility around the Easter event, as we recognize a power of renewal guiding us to foster that in life which can become. Members of the Portland Branch are working together to bring a social and artistic offering for our Easter observance. which will feature a poem and paintings from artist Anca Hariton’s book “Metamorphora”. The original watercolor paintings will be exhibited, and the mystery of creation will be brought to light through the spoken words of the poem. Eurythmy and harp will also be part of the program. **** “… when the Mystery of Golgotha happened, human beings received the ability to muster from within the strength necessary to elevate themselves and lead themselves upward into the spiritual worlds. The Christ descended much deeper than had those previous leaders of the world and of mankind: not only did He bring heavenly forces into the earthly body, but also He spiritualized this earthly body in such a way that it now became possible for human beings to find the way back into the spiritual world with the help of these very forces.” ~Rudolf Steiner, Spiritual Bells of Easter (click for archive or find in ‘Festivals and Their Meaning’) In this lecture Dr. Steiner addresses what would have happened on our earth if the Christ had not appeared. | | Matinee & Popcorn postponed until Sunday, March 12, 2 pm, Branch Library. Note that this is the day the time changes - spring forward. See flier below the next piece for details. Please reply to this email if you will attend. | | 1923-24: From Goetheanum to Foundation Stone |  | Goetheanum Fire, David Newbatt | Friends, I must admit, I find it challenging to find words adequate to explain to you why you may want to come with others to view, and consider together, the videos that we will show on Sunday, March 12. It is challenging to find the right words of inspiration about the importance, the significance, of how we spend our time, where we put our attention, individually and together, over the course of this year, the hundredth anniversary of the year between the Goetheanum fire at the Christmas Conference of 1922-23, and the laying of the Foundation Stone and Meditation at the Christmas Conference of 1923-24. Important spiritual opportunities can arise at one hundred year anniversaries. We can find ourselves in awe of what Dr. Steiner accomplished during that year. Willem Zeylmans Van Emmichoven, a student of Rudolf Steiner, was present at the 1923-24 Christmas Conference, and he describes Rudolf Steiner’s amazing mystery deed over the course of 1923 this way: “In the Goetheanum, the soul’s experience of Space, Time and Eternity were made visible in form and colour through Imagination: In the Foundation Stone meditation the same experiences are revealed through the power of Inspiration. In the threefold summons to the human soul one can experience the astonishing fact that Rudolf Steiner was able to take the mighty Imaginations which lived in the Goetheanum building - which then passed through the consuming flames to rise up to spiritual heights - and to bring them back, in the form of Inspirations - as the Foundation Stone Meditation. (emph vh) (From his book, The Foundation Stone) Our hope is that we will find ways to work when we are together over the course of this year that will make the most of any opportunities afforded us by the spiritual world at this hundred year anniversary - to strengthen our connections with the Being Anthroposophia, the guiding being of our own Branch, Archangel Michael, Rudolf Steiner himself, and any other helpers of humanity - to further our working with the Christ, and with what we have been given. We would like to hear your ideas/inspirations. Warmly, Valerie Hope, Branch Council | |  |
2 pm: The Windows of the First Goetheanum, From Design to Execution, with Ronald Templeton. As we strive to connect with the spiritual content that was embodied in the art of the First Goetheanum, Ronald’s presentation is helpful as he describes the controversy and evolution of the images in the wonderful colored windows. He describes why the windows in the current Goetheanum differ from those that had been made for the first building. This helps to illuminate what Dr. Steiner meant when he said that none of the art and artistic construction was symbolic. Ronald shows the controversial artwork which illustrates the important differences. If you intend to attend please respond to this email. 3 - 3:10 pm break 3:10-3:30 Conversation 3:30 - 5:00 The Envy of the Gods, the Envy of Man with Adriana Koulias. In this presentation Adriana describes the turning points in human development which occurred with the burning of the temple at Ephasus, and the burning of the First Goetheanum. Highlighting the spiritual opportunities at hundred year anniversaries, she assures us that we agreed to be here at this time, and stresses the importance of where we put our attention over this next year, which leads from the Goetheanum Fire at Christmas 1922 to the Christmas Conference and offering of the Foundation Stone in 1923. Anyone who can is welcome to stay to discuss this presentation. | | Two Community Eurthymy Opportunities Dear Friends, I'm very excited to be offering community eurythmy classes again at Portland Waldorf! We will be starting on Thursday March 2nd, 8:45 - 9:30 am in the eurythmy room. I've missed doing eurythmy with you and hope that this will work for those of you that want to come. As always, everyone is welcome and no experience is required. Please see the ‘Ongoing Groups’ section of the calendar and the flier below the calendar. Let me know if you have any questions. Warm regards, Carrie Mass **** Note in the Calendar and flyers that there are now two opportunities for community eurythmy: Thursday mornings with Carrie Mass, and Saturday mornings with Amanda Leonard. More Opportunities from Pacific Eurythmy The information below just came in tonight as an email, and the newsletter goes out in the morning, so only time to paste in here information about the great opportunities from Pacific Eurythmy! Dear Friends, We hope you are all well! Pacific Eurythmy has many exciting workshops to share with you this spring! On Mondays March 6th and 13th John Takacs will teach us about "Muscle - the principle of expansion and contraction, from infinitely far away to infinitely small, represented in the physiology of movement." Friday and Saturday March 17th and 18th, Patrick Marooney will lead us through "Sacred Geometry and the Solar System" through form drawing. Saturday April 22nd Mariama Loos-Diallo will teach us about Plant Dying and Eco Printing. Monday evenings April 17th - May 22nd Daniel Stokes will bring us into the world of Creative Speech. On Monday evenings Cheri Munski continues to help us find our way through Occult Science.We would love to see you at one or all of our workshops!Please visit our website for more information and registration:https://pacificeurythmy.com/events-and-workshops Pacific Eurythmy Teaching FacultyJolanda Frischknecht & Carrie Mass, jolandamf44@gmail.com & Carecare0@gmail.com | | Council Breaking News! We have been generously gifted a $4,000 matching grant for 2023 Library rent. First of all, we have greatly appreciated the heart-felt generosity of the community in matching the 2022 grant. A new donor has been inspired to offer a matching grant for the coming year. Having our own space has made possible an enlivened and busy community life, in addition to making the wonderful books that we have in abundance available. This generosity and support is heartening to the Council, as 'wind beneath our wings'. We look forward to the year ahead together, and to another successful match https://portlandbranch.net/donations/ | Membership Please consider becoming a member of the Portland Anthroposophical Branch, and if you are a member, please consider renewing now. The annual recommended membership is still $50, or what you can afford. Annual memberships renew every January. Memberships support: Workshops, Presenters, Festivals, Branch Rent, Website, Library Please join, renew, or donate (for instance to the matching grant for rent) on our website at https://portlandbranch.net/donations/. If you send a check, we will receive 100% of your donation. Make out to Portland Branch, and send to: Portland Branch * c/o Valerie Hope * 2606 SE 58th Ave. * Portland, Or 97206 Thank you for your commitment, your participation, and the community building your help gives to ensure that Anthroposophy is alive and in action here in the Portland area. | | | Portland Branch Calendar | First Class of the School of Spiritual Science. Sunday March19,(3rd Sunday to avoid time change) 9:30 am sharp, Lesson 2 • (no admittance after the class starts) • Bothmer Hall, 5915 SE Division St. • Remember your Blue Card. For more information contact: Cheri Munske cherimunske@gmail.com, Diane Rumage drumage@comcast.net or Rebecca Soloway rrsoloway1@gmail.com Portland Branch Council Meeting Monday March 6, 7 pm Branch Library/Community Space, 5415 SE Powell Blvd, entrance off parking lot in the back. All Branch members are welcome to attend, and/or call us with agenda items, proposals, suggestions, or to observe. Please contact us at portlandanthroposophy@gmail.com to let us know you’re coming. Meetings are normally held on the second Monday of each month. Michael Institute Reincarnation and Karma Workshops and Lectures March 3-5 Michae-el School, Milwaukie, Oregon For more information see flier below the calendar. Matinee & Popcorn Sunday, March 12 Branch Library/Community Space, 5415 SE Powell Blvd, entrance off parking lot in the back. See more information in this newsletter. Jacob Wooton at the Art Hall: Light Inside and Out January 19-March 17, Opening Reception January 19, 5-7:30 pm Cedarwood Waldorf School, 3030 SW Second Ave See Flier below. Contact Robin Lieberman, 503-222-1192 Easter Observance, Let There Be Light! Saturday, April 8, 3:30-4:30 pm Bothmer Hall, 5915 SE Division St. See piece in this newsletter for details Michael Institute Early Childhood and Grades Summer Intensive June 18-July 9 Michae-el School, Milwaukie, Oregon For more information see flier below the calendar, click here for their website. | | Ongoing Groups and Activities | Inquiry: Is there any interest in creating a study group in Vancouver? Some people are very interested in meeting up and would love your participation. Please contact kathyrem@gmail.com Study: An Outline of Occult Science with Cheri Munske Monday Evenings ongoing, 6:45-8:15 pm, Portland Waldorf School Eurythmy Room, 2300 SE Harrison St. Milwaukie, OR 97222. Suggested Donation $15 For more information email PacificEurythmy@gmail.com or visit PacificEurythmy.com See flier below. Beginning Astrosophy Class First and Third Wednesdays, 7-8:30 pm • 8654 NE Boehmer St. • Contact Diane Rumage, 971-271-7479 drumage@comcast.net This class will introduce participants to the basic principles of Astrosophy in a study of the works of Willi Sucher and Diane Rumage’s work with the stars, with indications that Rudolf Steiner gave for those interested in the cosmos. No previous knowledge necessary. Please bring blank paper and colored pencils to the class in case we need to use them. If you are just curious if you’d be interested, please feel free to come and check us out. Free Community Eurythmy Saturdays 9:30-10:30am 10/22/22 - 4/29/23 (No Class 11/26, 12/17, 12/24, 12/31, 2/25, 3/25, 4/1, 4/8) At the Portland Waldorf School, 2300 SE Harrison, Milwaukie. Free and Open to All Adults. For details contact Amanda Leonard leonaaleonaa@gmail.com or (503)519-9487. Community Eurythmy Thursdays 8:485-9:30am I'm very excited to be offering community eurythmy classes again at Portland Waldorf! At the Portland Waldorf School, 2300 SE Harrison, Milwaukie. Free and Open to All Adults. For details contact Carrie.Mass@PortlandWaldorf.org The Occult Significance of Forgiveness Study Group • First Monday of the month, 7:45-9:00 pm • Currently conducted in person and on Zoom • Contact Heidi Sheppard, HSHEPPAR@LHS.ORG Free Please join us in lively discussions centered on Sergei Prokofieff’s The Occult Significance of Forgiveness. Speech Formation and Mystery Drama Group 2nd & 4th Wednesdays, 7:00-8:30 pm • 8654 NE Boehmer St, Portland, OR 97220 • Contact Diane Rumage drumage@comcast.net or 971 271-7479. Free No experience necessary, just enthusiasm and a love of the Word. Now studying Glen Williamson’s mystery drama, Future Dawning. The Tarot in Light of Spiritual Science with James Knight • Every other Tuesday • James (j365k@yahoo.com) is leading a class on "The Tarot" in light of spiritual science and practical occultism. This is not a class on the use of Tarot for divination. In this class we focus on the major arcanum of "The Tarot" as a practical tool for self development and insight into oneself and the world. The classes take place approximately every other Tuesday from 7pm to 8:30pm at the Branch Library Space (5415 SE Powell Blvd) Entrance off the parking lot in back of the church • This is a free class. Registration for the class happens through Meetup (meetup.com) where you can learn more about the class and RSVP at this page: https://www.meetup.com/experiences-in-spiritual-science/. Waldorf Education and Teacher Training Lectures and Courses Conducted throughout the year by the Micha-el Institute Email us at inquiry@micha-elinstitue.com or call 971-808-1640 | |  |  |  |  |  | |  | | Embryo in Us & Embryo in Motion: Two Seminars with Jaap van der Waal. Two separate DVD sets recorded live in Portland in 2010 & 2017, available only here. These two seminars explore human prenatal development and show how biology is expressing the essence of human spiritual enfoldment. Jaap van der Wal, PhD, MD now retired, was an associate professor for anatomy and embryology at the University of Maastricht, Holland. Contact the Portland Branch. | |  |  |  |  |  |  | | Your Ad Here | | Great gratitude to the members and friends who have donated thus far in 2023 to make this newsletter and our library/community space possible.Anna Kollender, Jerry & Rebecca Soloway, Nancy Peirce, Julie Foster, Robin Lieberman, Pamela M Rico, Robin O’Brien, Deborah Ham, Sandra & Wes Burch, Rene Kehwald, Kathy Rem, Robin O’Brien, Tish Johnson, Mihoko Lunsford, Kimberly Sinclair, Vicki Hess-Smith, Mark & Valerie Hope, Diane Rumage, Linda Sussman, James Knight, Marsha Johnson, Timothy Kennedy, Jeremy Davis, Lisa Masterson, Donna Patterson, Anne Kliender, Cheri Munske, Julie Foster, Lucy O’Neal, Michele Limas, Kendall Weaver, Geelim Soowhan, Pamela Rico, Brian McClure, Miriam Ward, Christine Badura, Laura Elmore, Walter Rice, Amada Eastman, Karen Nelson, Constance Stokes. | | | Or send a check made out to Portland Branch, and send to Portland Branch c/o Mark Hope, 2606 SE 58th Ave. Portland, OR 97206. We will receive 100% of your donation if you choose this method of payment. | | | |