| |  | Branch Library For information, to take out a book or to arrange a visit, contact Valerie Hope, portlandanthroposophy@gmail.com The Book Catalog is now on our website – the ‘search’ function is really helpful. To schedule the space for an event or meeting Contact James Knight, j365@yahoo.com Contact the Branch Council: portlandanthroposophy@gmail.com Website: portlandbranch.net | | September Newsletter/Calendar | | ‘Hope-Springs-Eternal - Even in the Fall!’ A workshop with Christopher Houghton Budd, September 29-October 1 - Our Michaelmas Event Shepherds’ Play Rehearsals Begin in September - Come Play! Help the Rudolf Steiner Archive Thrive Remembering Betty Baldwin Events Flyers Calendar Community Bulletin Board - House Sitter Wanted Save the Date! All Souls Observance November 2 Membership Embryo with Jaap van der Waaal - 2 sets of dvd’s
| |  | |  | As part of all that transformed In 1923, Rudolf Steiner encouraged the formation of the wide reaching country societies out of which the worldwide Anthroposophical Society was born. The Anthroposophical Society in America, out of its own unique character, has a role to play in the health and wholeness of the worldwide society. What is our unique character and possibly our unique task? Looking back on the 100 years since then, how do things stand? What, do we think, would he make of our efforts? And how do we see things going forward?
Are we able to look him in the eyes?
Especially if we look at our finances – as they are an expression of our will and strength of initiative – is the Goetheanum a distant place or something we create on our own doorsteps? And what of our finances as a Society? Do we meet them only in simple earthly terms (i.e., pay our dues on time and in full) or is there something more at work? How can we understand the role and tasks of ‘the Far West’ ? And how can we get to work for the next 100 years? | Conference to run from Friday evening until Sunday afternoon $100 for attendance and including snacks and drinks Accommodations and local food for meals are available nearby Further Details and Provisional Program available from: portlandanthroposophy@gmail.com
**** |  | Christopher Houghton-Budd is an economic and monetary historian with a doctorate in banking and finance from Cass Business School, London. Though trying to go ‘emeritus’, he continues to work independently in many contexts around the world, ranging from mainstream to ‘alternative’, central banking to organic farming, lay to academia. Born in England in 1948, he left school at 16 then spent his youth travelling, working on private yachts and learning the film business in California.
In Berkeley in 1968, he developed a strong interest in Marxist ideas, but became convinced that Marx had failed to interpret his vision accurately. Prior to this time Houghton Budd had also met the work of Rudolf Steiner, whose contributions to sociology and economics have been of special interest to him ever since.
During his 50 year career, he has initiated or participated in a variety of small, mostly ‘green’, businesses in fields as varied as farming, housing, food distribution, retailing and investment, and served for seven years as a local councillor and four as a state school governor. His particular interest is the development of associative economics, an approach to economics that combines financial discipline with active social responsibility on the part of people generally. On this basis, he especially focuses on youth financial literacy and the associated need to fund their aims and initiatives through ‘Youth Bonds’.
For more information: http://christopherhoughtonbudd.com/welcome/
Some of the colleagues in the Economics Conference of the Goetheanum see that today’s world conditions can be both described and understood, even framed hopefully, through the lens of financial literacy. For many years now, colleagues of the Economics Conference of the Goetheanum have been developing a practical understanding of associative financial literacy at a general level and as informed by Rudolf Steiner’s ideas concerning economic, business and finance. This has resulted in a substantial literature on central themes – such as The Hibernian Mysteries and Modern Finance / Money as Bookkeeping / Revisiting US Financial History / Associative Financial Literacy and Adolescence / Finance at the Threshold – which can be found on these two related websites:
www.economics.goetheanum.org www.associative-financial-literacy.com | |  | |  | Hello everyone: We have talked about picking up the Shepherds Play practice in September as it was enjoyed by so many last year. What is the level of interest? Whats a good night of the week to do this? I'm in Montana for a good part of August, but I'm happy to pursue this. Anyone want to direct? I'm up to try it. You can call me at 503-568-5009 or reply by email to boltedupsteel@gmail.com Happy Summertime! - Wes | |  | Dear Community Members and Friends,
Over the years the editors of this newsletter, and our community in general, have depended on the Rudolf Steiner Archive for research, out of print documents; have benefited from being able to copy and paste text for the newsletter and festival observances; and to link directly from the newsletter to specific pieces in the archive. This is, of course, in addition to recommending the many important paper print books from anthroposophical presses.
In past times people had re-typed lectures and other materials laboriously by hand (we have examples at the Branch Library), which we likely may not have been able to take up so prodigiously ourselves.
We asked for and received the following piece from the Archives, which has changed hands and is now under the umbrella of Steiner Online Library. Financial help is needed and deserved to enable this very helpful initiative to continue. Warmly, Valerie Hope for the Branch Council
SOL is seeking financial support to continue to serve its over 100,000 unique visitors each month and grow the site to reach a new generation.
From the small town of Interlochen, Michigan, USA, Dr. Christopher Wietrzykowski and his wife Karin run the Rudolf Steiner Archive (RSA)—the largest collection of works of Rudolf Steiner available online in English. In late 2021, they formed the not-for-profit Steiner Online Library (SOL) and acquired the assets of RSA from the e.Lib, Inc. Today, they are in the midst of applying Chris’ in-depth knowledge of computing and Karin’s abilities as an accomplished technology lawyer to RSA.
Created in 1978 at the dawn of the digital age, RSA was in dire need of technical and functional upgrades to ensure its viability. SOL gutted the back-end technology and rebuilt the website to be faster and more reliable than ever, all while keeping the website up and running. It also has a fresh, new look. Currently, they are developing new research capabilities, making their own exclusive English translations, and adding missing documents. Try out their new Calendar of the Soul tool as well!
We have agreed to help promote this valuable resource through this request to our members for financial support. The Rudolf Steiner Archive is an independent nonprofit and is not funded by the Anthroposophical Society or Dornach. If you value their service and would like to see it continue, please give generously through their website, RSArchive.org. Use their donation button (also found below) or find more ways to give on their Help Out page, including ways to avoid domestic and international transaction fees. Study groups that use their materials may wish to contribute together as well.
Together with your gifts, we can ensure that the words of Rudolf Steiner will continue to reach a world-wide audience. |  | |  | From across the Threshold Betty Baldwin continues to support our Portland Branch community, in more ways than one. For this we are eternally grateful.
In a beautiful card containing her generous contribution, her daughters, Teri and Jennifer, and son Clark sent this message:
Dear Members of the Portland Branch of the Anthroposophical Society,
Our mother, Betty Baldwin, was a member of the Anthroposophical Society for much of her adult life. Her involvement in the Anthroposophical Society was an integral part of her life. She discovered Rudolf Steiner in 1975, which led her to become a Waldorf teacher. She also became a member of the Anthroposophical Society and was a long time member of the First Class. She continued as a Waldorf teacher for 36 years and later in her career became a mentor to new teachers.
She passed away in April 2020, ten years after being diagnosed with cancer. During those ten years she never let cancer define her and continued to flourish and live her life fully. Her belief in the spiritual world and her connection to Rudolf Steiner’s work was a source of comfort and strength to her in those last ten years.
Her connection to the Anthroposophical movement was central in her life. Due to this connection, she chose to donate a portion of her estate to the following three branches: Portland, United States and International Anthroposophical Societies.
Please accept this heartfelt gift from Betty Baldwin.
Love, her children, Teri, Jennifer and Clark Pitcairn | |  |  |  | | | Portland Branch Council Meeting Monday, September 11 Branch Library/Community Space, 5415 SE Powell Blvd, entrance off parking lot in the back. All Branch members are welcome to attend, and/or call us with agenda items, proposals, suggestions, or to observe. Please contact us at portlandanthroposophy@gmail.com to let us know you’re coming. Meetings are normally held on the second Monday of each month.
The Biodynamic Cycles of the Year with the Cosmic Relationships to the Preps Presented by Lynn Madsen - Sunday, September 11th, 2:00pm Branch Library/Community Space, 5415 SE Powell Blvd, entrance off parking lot in the back. See piece in this newsletter for details, reply to this email to let us know you are coming. | Hope – Springs - Eternal. Even in the Fall! A Workshop with Christopher Houghton Budd 29 September – 1 October 2023 This is our Michaelmas event. Branch Library/Community Space, 5415 SE Powell Blvd, entrance off parking lot in the back. Recommended donation $100 - no one turned away because of finances. See piece in this newsletter for details, reply to this email to register and/or request more information. | All Souls Observance November 2, 7 pm Save the Date! Look for more details coming soon. | COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES | | Projective Geometry with John Takacs September 11th, 18th, and October 2, 5:30pm-6:30pm at the Portland Waldorf School, 2300 N. Harrison St. Portland, Or. See flyer included in this newsletter.
Community Eurythmy Wednesday mornings, 8:45-9:30 at the Portland Waldorf School, 2300 N. Harrison St. Portland, Or. See flyer included in this newsletter.
| ON-GOING STUDIES/GROUPS | First Class of the School of Spiritual Science. Usually second Sunday of the month with a few exceptions. 9:30 am sharp, • September 10th (no admittance after the class starts) • Bothmer Hall, 5915 SE Division St. • Remember your Blue Card. For more information contact: Cheri Munske cherimunske@gmail.com, Diane Rumage drumage@comcast.net or Rebecca Soloway rrsoloway1@gmail.com
Beginning Astrosophy Class First and Third Wednesdays, 7-8:30 pm • 8654 NE Boehmer St. • Contact Diane Rumage, 971-271-7479 drumage@comcast.net This class will introduce participants to the basic principles of Astrosophy in a study of the works of Willi Sucher and Diane Rumage’s work with the stars, with indications that Rudolf Steiner gave for those interested in the cosmos. No previous knowledge necessary. Please bring blank paper and colored pencils to the class in case we need to use them. If you are just curious if you’d be interested, please feel free to come and check us out. Free
The Occult Significance of Forgiveness(Sergie Prokofieff) Study Group • First Monday of the month, 7:45-9:00 pm • Currently conducted in person and on Zoom • Contact Heidi Sheppard, HSHEPPAR@LHS.ORG Free Please join us for lively discussions.
Speech Formation and Mystery Drama Group 2nd & 4th Wednesdays, 7:00-8:30 pm • 8654 NE Boehmer St, Portland, OR 97220 • Contact Diane Rumage drumage@comcast.net or 971 271-7479. Free No experience necessary, just enthusiasm and a love of the Word. Our group will start a new reading and studying of “The Portal of Initiation”, Rudolf Steiner’s first Mystery Drama dealing with the karma and reincarnations of a group of people around the turn of the 20th century, on April 12, 2023.
The Tarot in Light of Spiritual Science with James Knight • Every other Tuesday James (j365k@yahoo.com), is leading a class on "The Tarot" in light of spiritual science and practical occultism. This is not a class on the use of Tarot for divination. In this class we focus on the major arcanum of "The Tarot" as a practical tool for self development and insight into oneself and the world. The classes take place approximately every other Tuesday from 7pm to 8:30pm at the Branch Library Space (5415 SE Powell Blvd) Entrance off the parking lot in back of the church • This is a free class. Registration for the class happens through Meetup (meetup.com) where you can learn more about the class and RSVP at this page: https://www.meetup.com/experiences-in-spiritual-science/.
Waldorf Education and Teacher Training Lectures and Courses Conducted throughout the year by the Micha-el Institute Email us at inquiry@micha-elinstitue.com or call 971-808-1640
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A new feature of the newsletter is this Community Bulletin Board, the brainchild of Christine Badura, who now finds that she has time to make it a reality. Community members can post their offerings and/or things they are looking for. To post, please call Christine at 707-494-6741 or email badura88@hotmail.com. Possible categories that can be posted: Housing, Give Aways, Help Wanted/Offered, Announcements, Items Wanted. **** | House Sitter Wanted. Hello Community! We're looking for house sitter in NE Portland, some dates in September and possibly future dates if the fit seems good. We have a veggie and flower garden as well as houseplants that need watering. We'd prefer for sitter to stay in our house while we're away (but not necessary). Our home is in a peaceful, friendly little neighborhood; A/C units. Please contact Maya at amayabird@yahoo.com or call 510-610-8167. |  | |  |  |  |  |  | |  | Please consider becoming a member of the Portland Anthroposophical Branch. The annual recommended membership is still $50, or what you can afford. Annual memberships renew every January. This supports our newsletter, our community workshops, presenters, festivals, branch rent, website, and library.
Please join, renew, or donate (for instance to the $4,000 matching grant for rent) on our website at https://portlandbranch.net/don(ations/. If you send a check, we will receive 100% of your donation. Make it out to Portland Branch, and send to: Portland Branch *c/o Valerie Hope * 2606 SE 58th Ave. * Portland, Or 97206.
Thank you for your commitment, your participation, and the community building your help gives to ensure that Anthroposophy is alive and in action here in the Portland area. | | | Great gratitude to the members and friends who have donated thus far in 2023 to make this newsletter and our library/community space possible:
Anne Kollander Diane Schell-Rowley Donna Patterson Geelim Soowhan Jeremy Davis Julie Foster Karen Nelson Kimberly Sinclair Laura Elmore Linda Sussman Lisa Masterson Mark & Valerie Hope Marsha Johnson Michele Limas Miriam Ward Nancy Peirce Pamela M Rico Robin Lieberman Robin O’Brien Amada Eastman Anca Harriton Barbara Strong Betty Baldwin Brian McClure Cheri Munske Christine Badura Constance Stokes Cyndia Ashkar Deborah Ham Diane Rumage James Knight Jerry & Rebecca Soloway Kathy Rem Kendall Weaver Kimberly Sinclair Lisa Masterson Lucy O’Neal Magic of Waldorf Marsha Johnson Mihoko Lunsford Miriam Ward Nancy Peirce Pamela Rico Rene Kehwald Robin O’Brien Sandra & Wes Burch Susan Andrews Timothy Kennedy Tish Johnson Vicki Hess-Smith Waldorf Travel Service Walter Rice | |  | Embryo in Us & Embryo in Motion: Two Seminars with Jaap van der Waal. Two separate DVD sets recorded live in Portland in 2010 & 2017, available only here. These two seminars explore human prenatal development and show how biology is expressing the essence of human spiritual enfoldment. Jaap van der Wal, PhD, MD now retired, was an associate professor for anatomy and embryology at the University of Maastricht, Holland. Contact the Portland Branch. | | | | |